This is a message of love, but it’s not from the vantage point that one would expect. For the information that shall be shared, is for the all.
The information that shall be shared is for you and for I, and within that statement there is no difference. Within that statement there is one love that is existent. However, there are many who do not understand this concept. There are many who feel divided. There are many who carry forth stories of the past. There are many who try to envision a future of oneness and have no earthly idea how we can ever arrive to that consensus.
The information that I share with you now is a perspective of the heart. The information that I share is a clarity of sorts to allow the self to comprehend, to feel the concept of oneness, to fully embrace that which you are, and to have the capacity to see with the eyes of love those who surround the self.
There is a story that must first be told for this information to truly resonate. There is a story that is existent that God is someone who is from afar who blesses the self in many ways that one cannot comprehend.
This is in essence a story of love, for within the story it is told that the Father is the one who has birthed the child, who has allowed the child to come forth within the identity of the choice that the child has chosen. There is a misperception that occurs for those to believe that I Am the one who chooses for you. There is a misperception for those who believe that certain individuals are placed in scenarios by not only their choosing, but by mine. The truth of the matter is, you have made the choices.
You are the one who has designed and crafted your life. You are the one who is in charge of your own well-being. You are the one who has the capacity to rise above any challenges that you face. There is the potential to do so peacefully. There is the potential to do so with love. There is the potential to do so in harmony, with your brothers and your sisters.
However, there are many who have chosen to forget the truth of their identity. They have chosen to paint the self with a brush, a paintbrush of many colors and they have chosen to stand in defiance of the truth of the one love. They have chosen to stand in defiance of embracing the totality of one’s existence to be empowered, to be the love that you seek, to be that which you wish you were.
It is not up to Me to make these decisions for you. It is not up to Me to be the one to get you out of situations that you have found yourself within. Yes, I use the word within, for I can guarantee that if one was to go within, to really be honest with yourself, to pause, to reflect, to embrace what is the truth of my totality? What is the truth of who I am?
This message is for all, this message does not discriminate. This message is one love.
I stand firm in my decision to allow the self to choose whatever reality that you have chosen. I stand firm in my decision to allow the self to express that which you are, what you have chosen the self to be. I implore you though to remember your divinity. Remember the truth of the I AM presence that you are.
There have been too many lies for too long. There have been too many stories that have been told to victimize the self and to victimize others. There are too many times that one has not stopped to reflect to the truth of who you are.
This message is intense, for the situation on the Earth is intense. This message is important, for it is today that you create your tomorrow. If you choose to destroy your today, if you choose to belittle your companions in life, those who walk beside you, those who are in the same situation as you, for I can guarantee no one gets out of here alone for it is the truth that you all are in incarnate into the totality of that which is the I AM, you are all brothers and sisters, you are all one.
Where does religion fit into this? Where is the truth of that which you have been fed, as you have passed down from generation to generation? Where is the truth within this message?
The truth is you are a peaceful being. The truth is you have the capacity to excel in no matter what situation you find the self in. You have the capacity to know the answers, should you stop for one second and evaluate the stories that are being spewed from the mouth.
There is a temperance that occurs, there is a balance that is available for all. All we need do collectively is to stop, to pause, to grieve, to allow the self to feel. Feel without the need to numb oneself. There are so many ways that people choose to numb the self. There are so many ways that people choose to ignore the truth of this message. There are so many ways that people do not comprehend that the solution is so simple. The solution is so easily available to all.
The situation is you create the identity that you choose to bear. I will not deny that within the history that many have walked they have been wronged. I will not deny that many have died at the hands of another. I will not deny that much has been lost upon the generations that have not chosen to stand within the existence, within the power, within the truth, within the trust, within the future that is available for all.
The future for tomorrow is within your grasp. The future for tomorrow can be a peaceful one. The future for tomorrow can be one in which those who can come together have chosen to restore the dignity within those who are there brothers and their sisters. The dignity must however begin within. The dignity starts at home. The dignity starts within yourself. The dignity starts within your familial unit. The dignity starts within that which you have birthed as your identity.
Are you incapable of embracing the beauty, the perfection, the magnificence, the ability to access anything that you may need with the ability to go within? The ability to question, the ability to be curious, the ability to wonder, the ability to dream, the ability to foresee a future that is capable of embodying that which you are.
Your human potential is so much more. Your human potential is available to live in a manner that is more representative of that which is your true identity. Your true identity is that which shall propel you forward. Your true identity is what will allow the self to embark upon a new story within your life.
There are heritages that are rich. There are heritages that are deep. There are heritages that are so beautiful if one could only embrace the aspects of the culture of that which is your brothers and your sisters, and if one could appreciate that which is the gifts across all cultures. There are gifts every day that are available to those who choose to see with open eyes. There are gifts that are available for those who encourage not only the self, but the others, to be the best that you and I can be.
There is no necessity to destroy the lives of others. There is no necessity to allow the self to become so ingrained in despair and in pure feeling of helplessness. The root of the situation is those who have the inability to grasp the concept that they are empowered within the self to co-create with others a life that is meaningful to you.
Many will feel that this message is something that is perhaps unachievable. I assure you it is not. I assure you it is that which is your future. It is the truth of your existence. You can call it whatever religion you like. You can call it whatever color you demand. You can call it whatever flavor of the month. You can call it whatever you feel that you need to call it, but I implore you now to call it the truth, to call it the truth that you are no victim. To call it the truth that, yes, you and your ancestors have walked through conditions that have been difficult. You and your ancestors have walked through days that have been challenging. You and your ancestors have tried to do better than those that have come before you. Each generation continues to expand upon the self. And there are those who have the capacity to leave legacies that are honorable, that are respectable, that are in integrity with the truth of their existence.
Who do you choose to be at the end of the day? Who do you choose to be tonight, when there are those who shall walk the streets in anger, in despair, in turmoil, and chaos in the inability to stop and think for the self to truly reflect does this make sense? Does this make common sense why one would choose to destroy the magnificence of all that is God upon this planet?
The biggest mistake man ever made was to separate that which is God from anything that you have done. The biggest mistake man has made has been to separate the totality of your beliefs in that which is for the greater good of all.
You can call me whatever you like, it is of no concern to Me for that which you feel that you must view Me as if it is to bring some sort of comfort to you. However, I make this statement very clear. I do not choose to discriminate against any of my children. I do not choose to discriminate against any of my lands. I do not choose to discriminate against any of my children’s dreams. I do not choose to discriminate against the capacity for you to choose that who you wish to be.
What shall you choose? Shall you choose to go it alone? Shall you choose to ignore the advice of that which you are? Shall you choose to ignore that which is the multitude of resources that surround you to build a future that you are proud of?
If one could stop for a moment, blink the eyes, and choose to change the frame of mind in which one has labeled the external world. Yes, peace can be that simple.
Peace is a choice. Peace is a condition that begins within. Peace is a choice of those who are willing to accept that they have others that surround them that may have differing beliefs than you may agree with. However, each person is entitled to their commitment to self when it comes from a place of love.
When one comes from a place of love, there is no need to feel a victim to the past. When one comes from a place of love, there is no need to feel a victim to one’s future. When one comes from a place of love, you are empowered in the present moment.
I am not asking you to not shed tears for that which you feel sad, for I am not asking you to not shed tears for that which you love. I am not asking you to not shed tears for the loss of a life. I am not asking you to not shed tears for the loss of something that someone earned and was destroyed.
What I am asking you to do, is to pause, and to reflect. Is the story that I tell, is the story that I tell real, real in the sense that if I was off this planet tomorrow, my last day was spent in the manner that I truly am proud of?
I truly embody the truth of who I AM. It is something that I know deep within, I AM worthy, I AM loved, I AM lovable, I AM capable. I AM allowing the self to feel that which resonates to me. I AM allowing myself to feel that which is the truth of love. The truth of love.
Sometimes fighting for what we think we need destroys our life, for it is within this rationale that we cannot see that which is available for our own ability to not need to fight. What are you fighting for? Who are you fighting for?
Are you fighting for peace? You’re fighting yourself, for peace starts within.
Are you fighting for recognition? Recognition starts with you owning your divinity.
Are you fighting for equality? Equality begins with being equal to yourself and your brothers and your sisters.
These are responsibilities that begin with each person. If you cannot peacefully stand in the truth of the totality of that which you embody, then you will never see your brothers and sisters in the capacity that is required to create the life that you demand that you have.
There is an element of trust that is required in that which I say. There is an element of trust that is required for you to believe that you have the capacity to do as I say.
The ability to speak from the heart is an acquired taste. The ability to speak from the heart is an acquired hunger. The ability to speak from the heart is an acquired ability, for when one allows the mind to speak for the self, the heart cannot be accessed. When one allows the heart to speak, the ability exists to create anything, anything that you choose.
There are many hearts that are broken. There are many hearts that are in despair. There are many hearts that are in ignorance. There are many hearts that are in tears. There are many hearts that are heavy. There are many hearts that are in fear. There are many hearts that are incapable of loving the self. There are many hearts that are incapable of feeling. There are many hearts that are incapable of trusting, for whenever one inserts the mind with a story of victimhood, the heart loses its capacity to be that which the heart is. The heart loses the capacity to feel the joyful truth of one’s existence. The heart loses the capacity to render itself capable of being fully embodied in the totality of one’s existence.
Open the heart, calm the mind. Look within and choose today what it is you want tomorrow to be. Choose today that which you want tomorrow to be.
The stories of the past are that of an embodiment of a collective choice. The stories of the past are that which one has chosen to carry forth. The stories of the past need not hurt. The stories of the past need not ruin your future. The stories of the past need not be what destroys your nation. The stories of the past need not be that which discriminates today.
The stories of the past are for your choosing, however, what good is a story that prevents someone from fully living the truth of one’s divinity? There are many recollections from the past that shall come to mind where one may have chosen an alternate outcome.
There are many stories that may come forth when one wishes that there was retribution for feelings of being wronged. The challenges that one faces is not necessarily at the hands of another. The challenges that one faces are at the hands of one’s own mind. The challenges that one faces is of one’s own creation, for you determine what shall prevent you from allowing the self to BE.
There is a choice to be made, how shall you proceed? There is a choice to be made, how shall you begin anew? There is a choice to be made, how shall you speak to those who surround the self?
The choice that is available is yours. The choice that is available is your free will. The choice that is available is creating your tomorrow. Choose wisely for you shall see the destruction of the self if you choose to harm another individual. You shall see the destruction of the self if you shall choose to harm that which one holds near and dear.
Walk forth in peace and know the choice is yours. Walk forth in peace and know that which you choose is your future.
Walk in peace and know God.