This is not a religious statement. A conscious evolution of change is upon us now.
This is a message of love and hope for those who are struggling to accept that which is transpiring before their very own eyes, for it is not within the hearts of the many to destroy the liberation that is felt when one is within conscious alignment, within conscious attunement, within conscious expression of that which one feels deeply within the heart.
The challenge that is faced is when one is not willing to feel that which is required to express oneself in the manner of forgiveness to that which has created the feelings of animosity that are now being expressed by those who have chosen to remove the expression of love from that which is their words of choice.
There are those who shall receive this message as the call to rise above that which you see, for it is within the heart to know the truth of one’s own existence. It is within the heart to know the freedoms that one is entitled to receive for no one has come to this Earth to be a slave to that which is deemed to be required of the self to transcend as an element of that which ignites the capacity for one to be that which is the chosen expression of one’s experience.
Hindsight is 2020 when we pause and reflect upon the atrocities that have occurred for generations. 2020 is the hindsight that is required for those to peacefully embody that which is your chosen divinity for the self to be reflected to those who shall honor you for your choices of expression that are in upliftment of those who surround the self.
The bandwagon has been created by those who choose the vehicle as a rampage to run over those who have a voice, those who have an expression to be birthed from the center point of one’s own heart. These are the messages that need to be heard. These are the messages that need to be shared. These are the messages that shall create a better future for those who are in alignment to their very own soul’s truth.
“He said, she said, they said, we said, no one said.” There is an argument for every voice that could ever be expressed. There is also a choice to be made whether one chooses to listen through the heart, whether one chooses to listen through an open mind, whether one chooses to listen through that which is required for one to embody the peaceful choice that allows all to feel heard, that allows all to feel accepted, that allows all to feel witnessed for that which they feel the necessity to express.
When one chooses their own divinity, their own relationship to the God source that is the connection to that which allows oneself to rise above any experience that one shall feel is not reflective of their own identity. This is the source that one must cultivate, that one must choose to embody, that one must choose to express for those who shall truly see the fruits of that which can be birthed out of any circumstance that one has lived through.
The moment one chooses to close the heart, the moment one chooses to close the ears, the moment one chooses to close the eyes, this is the moment in which you choose to destroy your own self.
There is much distraction that has occurred over the course of many lifetimes. There is much distraction that has occurred over the warring of generations to find the voice of their own people. There are many generations of warring that have occurred out of the religious freedoms that people die for to express.
Those who have chosen to make the argument about the expression of one’s own physical features have denied the self the ability to co-create with those who can help create the future that shall be the world that we all hope to see, the world that will reflect that which is within the heart, the world that will reflect that which is in the consciousness of those who feel there is much more that can be created than the traps, the quick sand, the pitfalls that continually trip people up for they are incapable of allowing the self to be that which they have chosen for the self to be.
There is a new story that must be told. There is a new reflection that must occur. There is a new element of truth that must be revealed and that is the willingness for each individual to receive the self first. For if you do not have the capacity to receive the divinity that you are, how do you anticipate anyone else can receive that which you have not chosen to reveal for the self?
The message that we bring forth is one of choice, the ability to choose from a foundation of self that honors not only you, but also those who surround you.
There is a debate for any opinion that may be brought forth. This is a waste of energy unless people can first be rooted within the peaceful space of the self and have the capacity to communicate with those who can receive that which you emit.
We caution anyone who has the capacity within the self to transmit their own frequencies of love to express the self in the manner peacefully that represents the truth of who you are, for there is no service to anyone who chooses to diminish the self in a capacity to appease those who are struggling to find within their own selves the divinity that they are.
We can see the best course of action is to witness those as an equal expression of love, and equal expression of choice, an equal expression of divinity, for it is within this equal capacity of witnessing for those who have the inability to witness for the self. This is how you shall change the world by showing up in the equality that you are.
The warring of words shall continue because that is unfortunately all that some know how to do. The warring of words shall continue until those who have a voice have given it all that they’ve got, for until one feels expressed, until one feels heard, until one feels validated, there will be no assemblance of peace.
The best course of action for those who truly are of the light work is to allow the self to be an open conduit of receiving that which you are, and allowing the receiving of that which others have chosen the self to be to be witnessed, for it is within this simple validation that one may feel they can begin to rise above that which many have struggled to transcend.
The peace of which we speak is one that must be claimed for the self first and then extended to those who have the capacity to receive that which you have to offer within a constructive manner.
There is much healing that has occurred through the simple expression of that which had been anchored into the Earth as the appearance of pain and suffering. This collective expression has been released and there are those who shall continue to express the self in the manner that they have most intimately shared of the self.
There are those who are willing to co-create with the many who have the capacity to join hands and to create from a space that transcends the ills of the past. The ills of the mind that have sickened those who have destroyed the self with belief structures that are not suitable for allowing the self to transcend such atrocities are being rebalanced as we speak, for it is within these ills of the past that we shall see the future state rebirth into the wholeness that is available for those who are willing to receive their own divine heritage.
We commend you for those who have been able to see the Truth of what truly is transpiring amongst you. We commend those who have the capacity to pave the way for those who shall follow.
Thank you for your service upon this Earth and we shall continue to uplift all those who are unable to lift the self. The collective purge of pain shall open the space for new to be rebirthed, and so it is.
May your self expression that needs to be heard honor you, your brothers, your sisters, and the land upon which you stand,
Amy Lovelynn