Equations Without God
It is love that is felt within the inquiry to understand the impact of a virus upon the world. We comprehend the pureness of your heart to be willing to ask not only for you, but for another to question the integrity of the world navigating such an effect of confusion.
There is much that must be trusted within this state of affairs. There is trust required as to whether the vaccine is of a humane nature. There is a trust required within the effect of the immune state. There is a trust required to commune with another, and to trust all are taking the same level of precaution within their own home, within their own sense of self, and within their own way of being.
The message you require is one of sincere nature, for it is a knowledge placed within one’s heart whether the effect of the outcome will be of a positive nature. It is true for you to succeed within the world you must commune with those who surround your own life. You must commune with those who are in intent of being a contribution to society, of being a contribution to your own way of life, and of being a contribution to a greater source of perspective not dependent on human nature, but ultimately dependent on a divine level of comprehension, a divine level of a state of awareness, and a divine level of trusting not only within the plan of life but trusting in the nature of All that Exists.
There is a virus in effect, however, it is a virus of the mind. It is a virus that has been magnified to a proportion that has blown itself out of control. It has been focused on so intently. It has been modified by versions repeated. It has been modified by versions that have been spoken. It has been modified by versions that have been given to all who intend to destroy life with one detailed effect of a virus NOT in control of your destiny. It is NOT in control of your own heart. It is NOT in control of your own mind.
It is minuscule in respect to that which is true. It is minuscule in effect to that which is, by the grace of God, the air you breathe. It is minuscule in effect of allowing one’s self to remain hostage within one’s own field of potential if one desires for one’s self to remain contained in a posture that allows one’s self to remain safe within one’s own home, safe within one’s own constricted life, for it is being constrained by the nature of fear running rampant through the population. It is in effect a form of population control, for it is within the mind’s eye the control field available with human consent. The control field is available for those who penetrate through to another and inject fear within their own minds, inject fear within their own hearts, and inject fear within their own physical bodies.
It is as if to say, the fear IS the effect of that which is the control of one’s own heart. The fear IS the effect of that which is the human nature to run scared from the thought there is a risk of death attached to this minuscule little virus invisible to the naked eye, invisible to the human touch, invisible to the thought process given to God. It is as an effect to say God is no longer in charge. God is no longer a source of my own sustenance, of my own life, and of my own well-being. It is to say as if, God has no intent for my life. God has no intent for my well-being, and God has no intent to control this confused state of awareness.
It is as if to say, God does not exist within the equation of the vaccine. God does not exist within the equation of life, for it is more important now for us to protect our own than it is to consider God’s point of view for such a very important topic being delivered through a voice who has the willingness to question that which is in peace to one’s own heart.
This is the message we encourage you to share. It is not a controlled devise, strategy or intent to say one must inject one’s self or not. It is the wisdom given to those who have the capacity to pause and to reflect that which is running rampant. “What is the driver of this fear I feel? What is the driver of that which I choose?” and “What is the driver within the message I communicate to my own self and to my own loved ones?”
This is the message we wish for all to hear. It is within your control whether you continue to fuel, to fan the flames of fear, or continue to trust within your own self, within your own divine plan, and within your own life. This is the message given. It is, in effect, a sovereign state of being and it is the truth of who you are. It is the truth of that which you can choose, and it is, in effect, that which we wish for all to hear.
Walk forth in peace and know protection begins within your own heart, within your own sense of self, within your own trust, within the knowledge and the wisdom you have maintained from within, in pure effect of that which you know to be true for you.
Walk forth in peace and know that it is within love we share this message, for we understand there has been much confused within your own heart, and it is a sense of self that will continue to allow for the balance required and the contemplation that will create a more balanced and centered approach of handling this very sensitive topic.
And so it is.
Sovereign choices,
Amy Lovelynn
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