This message is clear. It is a time to band together for those who are willing to hear the truth of their own existence. The truth of one’s life is to live free, free from doubt, free from concern, free from fear. The fear within one’s mind is implanted by those with a willingness to destroy thought. Thought of one’s capacity to be a sovereign being of light, thought to be a destroyer of that which is of one’s fear, thought to be in control of one’s life, and in effect controlling another.
These are the moments in which life allows one’s self to reflect upon one’s motives. The motive is clear, the freedom to choose is upon the line. The line has been drawn in the sand. The sands of time allow one’s heart to flow. The sands of time allow one’s mind to be purged from the thoughts that no longer serve. The element of time is only an effect of the mind. It is without doubt one walks within one’s mind, allowing one’s heart to lead. The physical moment feels to be real. The physical moment feels to compound fear as a natural response to one’s life in jeopardy of being encroached upon by another.
The memory bank of the mind retains resistance to one’s life to feel out of control, to feel out of allowance of one’s heart. The exclamation point that aligns with one’s will and drive is a search that is often misplaced. For it is more of a concern of those who challenge one’s self to feel in control of one’s life, to feel in control of what one shall do to protect one’s sense of self.
The mystery of life is to be revealed. The mystery of life is to know one’s heart. The mystery of life is to give in charity to one’s self and to another the love given to you by your Father. The father, in effect, is the sun. The mother, in effect, is the moon. The gravity of one’s life is that which is in place to hold your sense of self intact. Meta physically, the meta of the mind is in harmony with the physical aspect of one’s heart. The physical aspect of one’s mind that is attributed to the mind of God. This is the reference point in which life meets one’s Heaven on Earth.
It is, however, those who choose to destroy the mind, in effect, of allowing one’s self to feel a sense of control upon another. This is the moment in which the mind allows itself to be set free, for who is in control of your own mind? Is it the mind of God in which you operate? Is it the mind of God in which you allow yourself to be expressed? Or, is it the mind of man, of hue man of many colors who choose for another? Wake up people, the time is now for you to choose for yourself. The time is now to allow your own heart to be set free from the confines of the fear that have constricted your own life.
The moment you choose from your heart is that which is given to you by God. This fear set in place by those who choose to dictate within their own mind the science of God, God is in creation. God is in control. God is in your mind’s eye as the direction in which you should look for your assistance, for your guidance, for your love.
There is a peace within those who know God. There is a peace within those who love the life given to them from above, above one’s ability to know that which is in goodness of one’s own life. The ability to trust in that which is of a realm of infinite potential. The ability to express one’s heart from a space of love. The ability to dwell in a place of peace. This is available to you. It is not a myth. It is available to those who choose to trust in something much bigger than themselves, to trust in allowing one’s self to be guided from within in a space of allowance and acceptance for all. For all is of God, all is of a magnificent structure of creation built to allow for more expansion. It is in a space of allowing equal access to all who participate within the mind of God.
Will you trade your sovereign nature for a man who claims to be God over you? Will you trade your sovereign nature to those who, in effect, are misled? Will you trade your sovereign nature to those whose greatest concern is of themselves?
This is the moment you face. This is the moment you have to give your mind consideration of where you are allowing it to roam.
This is not a concept that is new, for it is the moment all men are faced to decide, who am I? Who am I to direct another, if I did not direct myself to that which matters most?
In the opinion of man, it is given much thought. In the opinion of man, it is given to be self-serving. In the opinion of man, it is for one’s greatest comfort and joy to fulfill one’s destiny. It is within a state of mind that destiny is created. It is, in effect, the ability to destine one’s star to be reached. It is a point from within that is directed to space, the space in which to create, in effect, that which drives one’s heart to refuel the mind with love, to refuel the mind with grace, to refuel the mind with peace, to refuel the mind with the ability to create from a space of safe measure.
There is, in effect, a war that has been waged upon the Earth. It is the war or your own sovereign state of being. It is a war that, in effect, rages through the minds of those who have the inability to think clearly into the future, who have the inability to think past their own greedy pockets, past their own identity of their own ego. These are many who are in control. It is a façade, it is a joke, and it is not funny. It is, in effect, about money.
The riches of the mind are treasures buried within. It is not a destination within the skyline of a city, to create more, in effect, that is in the confines of one’s life, to create more that is in control of another, to create more that is a jeopardy to one’s own physical state of beingness.
The Master mind that is in control has been forgotten, for it is convenient to destroy the idea of an external influence in exchange for an external influence to be in control of you.
The mind is a devious place for those who allow it to be permeated with fear. The mind is, in effect, the prison that keeps one’s self locked inside of one’s self. It is a prison that can only be expanded when one allows one’s self to accept there is more available for you than fear, there is more available to you than allowing one’s self to be led by another person or place in time.
The only way to win against fear is to face it once and for all, to face one’s own self in the mirror and to question what are my motives? What is that which drives me to do what I do? What is it that allows me to perceive I know best for another? What is it that allows myself to assume what is good for me, is good for you?
There is unity in the mind of God, for the mind of God is, in effect, the mind of love. The mind of love does not concern one’s self in that which is best for the individual to impose upon another. The mind of God is that which allows one’s self to choose for one’s self what is the most loving way in which I can allow myself to express, to contribute to another, without fear that which I do is going to be administered as an effect? For it is my own creation to give; give of myself, give of my heart, give of my word, give of my own love and knowing that if all contribute equally within the mind of God, than all that is possible may be witnessed.
However, when one chooses to give from a space of what can I get in exchange for my giving? If I give of myself will I get this? If I give of my mind, what will I gain in exchange?
The gift of charity has gone out the window. The gift of giving from one’s heart is lost when one chooses to give from the mind of one’s self, to give from the mind that is in small measure as compared to the mind of God. This is a gift you give yourself to align your structure to that which is of a bigger nature, to align your heart to allow the sun to permeate your reason for being that is much bigger than you.
There are too many people running loose upon the planet, as if that which they do matters, that which they do is leaving a mark upon the Earth. The mark that is being left is upon your own soul, for the soul is that which will carry the burden of that which you choose. The soul is that which will carry the burden of that which you destroy. The soul is that which will carry the burden of that which you assume in direct proportion to the will of your own ego, the will of your own sense of self.
The mind is in control. The question is whether or not the mind is of you, or of God?
Walk forth in peace and know this message is clear. This message IS a moment to pause, to reflect, and to assess the motives behind that which you choose, the motives behind that which you say, and the motives behind that which you give.
And so it is.
With reverence to the King lion and peace to His lambs,
Amy Lovelynn