What is YOUR Soulful Design purposefully here to express to the world?
Amy is available for Soulful Design Solutions, Strategic Business Consulting and Soul Letters/Messages.

“In my opinion a different, much older language, for instance Sanskrit, is a suitable comparison for the medium that would carry typically such advanced level of information. I do not know who in Heaven crafted the letter for me and gave it to Amy, but it was undoubtedly a Being close to God!”
Vladimir T. (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
“Clarified a Deep Inner Purpose for My Life“
” I had a life-changing in-depth Soulful Human Design session with Amy three months ago. Amy uncovered aspects of myself that spoke to the “depths of my soul” with questions about my purpose and relationship with God/The Divine. I still get echoes of the energy that was activated in that session. e.g. one takeaway for me was that one of my big life lessons is to learn to get out of my head and learn through emotional and intuitive aspects. This has been a game changer for me, and I have had so much deconstruction of my head-tripper tendencies – not always a comfortable ride – and it is still playing out! I am so grateful for what Amy brought to clarify a deep inner purpose for my life this time around. I am looking forward to doing more work with her to deepen my self-awareness in this cosmic landscape I landed in this lifetime. Thank you so much Amy for your insight, awareness and ability to cut through and show me a level of who I truly am that I have never experienced before. I am still digesting so much from that session, and I will be re-listening to that recording again!” Michelle R. (Sydney, Australia)
“New and Clear Insights to Depth of Your Heart and Soul”
“Over the past 4 years I’ve had many Human Design readings that focus on interpreting your chart and explaining the conscious and unconscious truth of my design that lies beneath the programming and the conditioning I live(d) my life through. There are good readings where you learn something about yourself and how your design and conditioning influence your life and then there are readings that fail; fail to bring your design to life for you or leave you with even more questions. Then there are “great” readings, readings that you walk away with new and clear insights that reach beyond the “numbers” and into the depths of your heart and soul.
In my Soulful Design session, Amy made connections beyond my chart that helped me clearly see my soul’s yearning for creativity, connection and sharing my wisdom about health & embodiment with others as the source of joy I had been searching for. Amalgamating these life themes just made so much sense that I hadn’t been able to see for myself. Amy, was also able to clearly see where sources of frustration in business relationships stemmed from and spotlight talents that naturally complement my energy bringing this all together to suggest projects that I can see would bring me the satisfaction and joy I had been searching for. This was a “great” session! Thank you Amy.” Judy H. (Queensland, Australia)
“Game Changer for Me”
My Soulful Design session with Amy was profound! She covered the complete picture of my human design, which provided me with so much clarity about my purpose (what I came here to do) and my authority. Amy did this in an easy, clear, fun way and also added her sparkle of intuition (channelled specific messages for me personally). The session gave me the intel to create more ease and flow in my world, to actualise my best life. Amy provided confirmation of my gifts, that I hadn’t really thought were gifts and got me to see new perspectives. This session was a game changer for me, and gave me a new perspective on my life. If you desire to create more ease in your life, and work for you, not against you.. book a session with Amy today. Lisa B. (Adelaide, South Australia)
“Concrete Ways of How to Honor Myself”
Amy’s deep understanding of Soulful Human Design (HD) and her capacity to tap into what her client desires to know from a soul-level about their design is incredible. Her thoughtful preparation and attention to the details of what Amy shared with me was extremely helpful and appreciated. As a Manifestor, Amy provided me with an opportunity to access more of who I am designed to be with some concrete ways of how to honor my need for space and peace. Thank you, Amy, for your brilliance in facilitating my HD with me coupled with your intuitive super-powers! Renee F. (Ontario, Canada)
“Deeper Into Who I Am”
“I Loooooved receiving my Soulful Design reading from Amy! It was filled with such valuable insights and awareness’s that really helped me settled deeper into who I Am beyond the distorted Identities, and showing me more Aligned ways to function that are specific to my Design Type…. It was such a relief being able to see what is relevant for me and my life, making it much easier to let go of all the excess of what doesn’t serve me in Being and Living more of My True Self. Amy…. Thank you for Being soooo Amazing, and assisting me to navigate this ‘interesting life’ with more ease & clarity of Being.” Jude R. (Queensland, Australia)
“More Clarity, Focus, and New Insight into my Personal and Professional Life”
What a gift is Amy Lovelyn’s Soulful Designs. My session was incredible. It was like she explained me to me. There were some very interesting revelations and things I hadn’t even considered about me before, yet resonated in my spirit. Amy goes into tremendous depth, takes her time, and explains things clearly and concisely. If you don’t know anything about human design, you’ll be excited to know more about yourself and why you do what you do. And if you have had some human design, it won’t matter because Amy goes to another level with her intuition. At the end of my session, I had a clear idea of what I was designed to do and be. I now have more clarity and focus, and new insight into my personal and professional life. I recommend Amy’s Soulful Design to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and their life’s purpose. Debbe J. (Colorado USA)
“Made My World Clearer”
Within 2 hours, Amy made my world clearer. I gained insight into how I work, what works for me and what I need. I had some hunch what my purpose of life was, but with Soulful Design and Amy’s contribution I could really acknowledge. Amy has an enormous amount of knowledge about Human Design and knows how to convey everything in a very nice, accessible, involved, and clear way. She supports you in all your questions and provides you with a wonderful view as she effortlessly translates that to your person and situation. Sendy D. (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
“Life’s Purpose and Reason for Being Here“
Several weeks ago, I had a fascinating soulful human design session with Amy Lovelynn. Amy noted my open design allowed me to continuously pick up external energies. Assuming they were mine, I felt a ‘‘need-to-fix” these incongruent energies. This awareness allows me to manage foreign energies with more ease and frees energy for creative endeavours.
One of my major concerns has been my uncertainty about my life’s purpose and reason for being here. Amy explained my design and I do notice over time a deeper sense of inner peace for which I am very grateful. I am aware that many subtle changes are occurring that are bringing higher frequency energy into my body. I can’t specifically describe these energies, but they are slowly releasing submerged tension and helping me to relax. Dr. John T. (Queensland, Australia)
“Thoroughly Recommended“
The Soulful Design session I had with Amy Lovelynn was amazing! She was able to so eloquently portray the characteristics of me and my human design chart in such a way that beautifully linked and highlighted all the threads in the rich tapestry of who I am. So amazingly accurate, Amy shows with great clarity what is true for you according to your chart, accented with her special gifts, which links to themes through your life and resonates with who you truly Be. The clarity it brings really assisted me in refocusing on who I truly am, what I truly like, opening pathways that I can explore that are true for me. Much appreciation to you, Amy, for the amazing talent you have brought to the world that opens up seeing so much more of who we truly Be within ourselves illuminating new pathways to be explored with greater inner-standing! Thoroughly recommended…❤️ Sonia M. (Western Australia)
“Potent Sessions”
“I’ve been struggling finding focus and direction in my business for awhile when I scheduled a Soulful Design channeled session with Amy. That session blew my mind! Amy covered so much detail and left me feeling focused on my next steps. She validated some areas I was unsure about while offering insights I had never even considered. I highly recommend these incredibly potent sessions for everyone feeling a bit lost or confused on life.” Victoria L. (Brooklyn, New York)
If I had to choose one word to best describe my Soulful Design session with Amy, that would be the word. Because honestly, it’s the only word I can think of that comes close to the experience. It was as if she had a user’s manual for my life and being and how I function, and explained how and why things work the way they have… and why I work the way I do. I’ve done a lot of “things” spiritually and physically to expand my awareness and capacities. I’m fairly aligned much of the time and consider myself to be comfortable in my magic. And yet still there were things about me that I’d considered to be challenges, that I now see as my superpowers. And the depth and accuracy blew me away. I literally got chills sometimes because it was so raw and real and revealed parts of myself I never knew anyone saw. It was like being fully seen for the very first time, and with each passing day and every time I relisten to the recording, it goes deeper.
Amy has a true gift of tuning in and bringing so many new awarenesses and ideas for how to harness more of my gift and talents to create more of the things I’m targeting for. She was thorough and all the while I felt bathed in this warm glow of love and acceptance. It was vulnerable in the best way possible because it was safe and completely without judgement. I’ve never had such clarity around why I do the things I do and the choices I make. I’m so grateful that I had this opportunity and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a greater, next-level insight into their being, and how to best utilize that info and knowledge to help achieve their dreams. So much gratitude for you Amy, thank you for sharing your brilliance.” Michele B. (Canada)
“Enlightening, Insightful and Inspiring”
“I received a Soulful Design Channeled Session with Amy Lovelynn which was so enlightening, insightful and inspiring. The flow of awarenesses and information in the session was incredible to witness and gain about myself and to implement for my journey now and in the future. I am so beyond grateful for the session with Amy and for the talents and abilities that she’s sharing with the world!! Thank you so much!!” Nattolie H. (Calgary, Canada)
“Affirmed So Many Things”
“My session with Amy affirmed so many things have been happening with me and gave me the insight to stay on track and remind me of things that work uniquely for me. Thank you so much, Amy!” Bobbi F. (Aurora, Colorado)
“Now I truly see myself for who I am-ME!
Have you ever heard of Human Design? If so – very good for you!! And… have you heard of Human Design with channeled messages?! Well, let me tell you that I just had a session of Human Design & channeled messages with AMY and what a contribution this session was for me!! The veils have been lifted, and I can see who I truly am and the gifts I bring to the world much more clearly now. Amy combines her extensive knowledge of Human Design with the channeled messages she receives and put those messages into words so delicate and pure that they spoke directly to my being and my heart, and maybe for the first time ever, I could hear them very clearly. Amy, thank you for being the gift that you are!!” Iris P. (Vienna, Austria)
“Who I Came to Be!…Go See Her ASAP!“
“My Inspired Soulful Design (Intuitive Human Design) Session with Amy Lovelynn was such a delightful surprise that allowed me to ask the questions I wanted to know and verified that I’m on the right path and that some of the challenges I’m currently facing are all part of the design of my destiny in a way that will support my highest priorities and goals to create more of the life I want to live! I found that Amy successfully channeled that answers I needed right now to move forward with several situations dealing with family, relationships and career (or lack thereof) to know that what I’m currently doing for money is not fulfilling my soul’s purpose and that as a Manifestor in Human Design I have greater things to inform and Initiate around me to create a life that is more fulfilling and beneficial long term. She pointed out my strengths and some things to be aware of and left me feeling like I can handle what’s needed right now to “blossom” more into who I came to be. I’m so grateful for my time with her pointing me in the right direction that I just want to tell EVERYONE to go see her ASAP! Thanks Amy!” Maryann B. (Portland, Oregon)
“Full of Many Gems I’m Still Unpacking, So Super Powerful.”
“Your reading was so deep and full of many gems of information, I’m still unpacking, so super powerful. I now have a deeper innerstanding and reminder of the way I’m uniquly designed. I am grateful for reviewing the particular areas in my chart concerning my intention and interest in relationships and communication. This has given me confidence to check in on my environment, my values, and ease with playing and experimenting in my experience of life. I feel like I’m in the flow now. I have learned so much more of the extricities of my unique Blue Print around communication as well. With the Astrology reading I learned much more about the depth in which I wish to communication or deepness of what I have to communicate. And I have another innerstanding of the way I operate in intimate relationship that has given me more ease with myself. Connecting in with my Human design AND the astrology was a wealth of insight. I highly recommend Amy, she is very thorough, heart centered, kind, intuitive and happy to answer any follow-up questions or clarification.” Lisa S. (Boise, Idaho)
“Amy is phenomenal with Soulful Design. She helped me with questions I had about getting my business started. It was amazing because the ideas I had aligned perfectly with my human design and Amy helped me see that. The session assisted me in making congruent choices and move forward with my business and life. The session with Amy was affirming and clarified so much for me about how I create what my strengths are that I was peripherally aware of. She goes through the channels and simplifies their meaning and helped me put words to the strengths I automatically do without realizing it. Her sessions are amazing, and I highly recommend them to anyone seeking more clarity in their life about their strengths, business, relationships, or anything else.” Amelia C. (Portland, Oregon)
“Step Into Strengths with Confidence!”
“After one session with Amy, I immediately gained more clarity about myself and discovered which areas to focus on to bring more fulfillment, meaning, and purpose in my life and business. Since then, I have been able to step into my strengths with more confidence and no longer doubt my ability to figure things out by trial and error as a key component to my design. Thank you for such an insightful experience, Amy!” Jennifer B. (Winnipeg, Canada)
“Off-the-Charts Awesome!”
“I want to tell you just how amazing and specialized Amy’s gifts are. I’ve had many readings of all types over 20+ years with some good, average and occasionally great ones. Amy’s confirmation was off-the-charts “Awesome”! I can say without hesitation I was truly blown away by the accuracy of what comes through her. I received many validations of who I am on both a spiritual level and yes, that I have been following my path for a long time without knowing the truth of it. It was a relief to know in more detail I really am who I came here to be. (Sometimes “doubts” can be such a strong pull on us it is easy to not believe). Amy’s education and channeling are a perfect blend and reveals itself in a very pure way from the beginning. If you are on the fence about getting a session or Soul Reading with Amy, I recommend you go for it and enjoy the experience.” Susan S. (TX, USA)
“Excited for the Path Ahead!”
“I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Amy LoveLynn! I had a channeling with her yesterday, and it blew me away! The insights that she shared confirmed so many things and got me excited for the path that lies ahead~ Thank You, Amy!” Julie G. (Highland Park, IL)
“Unleashed in Me a New Drive.”
“Amy, your intuitive advice to see beyond my certifications and to create my own content unleashed in me a new drive to tap into my own experience! It led me to stretch me out of my comfort zone and into my light. Thank you for sharing your wisdom through your Soul Letter which renewed in me a passion long buried to speak my truth.” Sylvia W. (Austin, TX)
“Powerful and Beautiful Experience.”
“Amy hosted a group channeling session for us. It was a powerful and beautiful experience. Amy’s love, caring and support was evident all the way through the process. She put us at ease and prepared us beforehand so we knew what would happen. We all got messages that were reaffirming and needed to hear. As I asked a question and heard the response channeled through Amy, I could feel a tear rolling down my cheek as it moved me so much. The message was about surrender. For a few days straight after that session, the message of surrender showed up in my life as a daily reminder of what the Guides showed me.” Marla M. (Toronto, Canada)
“Timing and Positive Impact Very Welcome!“
“Amy, I really enjoyed the Soul Letter you wrote. I have worked to live my life as a servant leader, especially the second half of my life. There was a number of affirmations of where I am now and where I am heading. I was raised with organized religion, but as I have grown I have become more spiritual. The letter talked to and tied these chapters of my life together well. The timing and the positive impact of the letter was very welcome. I would recommend your Soul Letter to anyone who is open minded and is looking for more insight into their Soul. Thank you.” Kris H. (Flower Mound, TX)
“I Highly Recommend”
“Amy is amazing and very gifted with reading the Akashic Records. I didn’t even have to tell her what was in my heart and she spoke on it and went into detail of my what I hold on my dreams while I sat there silently in awe that she saw all of this. That’s when I knew she is connected to something special and can really help me or anyone else. I highly recommend Amy for a reading. Thank you Amy from the bottom of my heart for helping me find my true path and gifting me with connecting to my soul’s purpose.” Darcey H. (Dallas, TX)
“Back to My Truth”
“Amy’s Soul Letter not only gave my confirmation for what I knew intuitively it also brought to light areas that were hidden within my soul. It uncovered what has been buried since childhood about who I am at my core and what is meant for me in this lifetime. The messages in it were exactly what I needed to hear in order to realize my own truth. I find that I go back to it often when I feel off-course so that I can get back to my truth and back onto my path.” Tricia L. (Peoria, AZ)
“Moved Me Profoundly”
“Amy’s Soul Letter activation moved me profoundly by feeling the beauty of spirit, the grace of our divine selves, and the affirmation of our higher consciousness. Her ability to channel Source into messages of the soul is a joyful, powerful, life-altering gift. Her letter affirmed my present path and opened previously unrecognized potentialities for my next steps. Each time I read it, a new message resonates with me. There was a word I never heard before and when I looked it up, I received an incredible amount of information that I never even thought of. Simply, amazing! I love the feeling of peace and oneship the message conveys, and even the letter itself feels energetically encoded with so much love, joy, and light. I can’t recommend Amy and her gift enough; what a true blessing to have such a soul in our world. Thank you, Amy! Looking forward to working with you again!” Amy S. (New York, NY )
“Blessed to Find”
“I was so incredibly blessed to find Amy and her Soul Letters. Everything in my soul agreed, this was the clarity and wisdom I had been seeking. My Soul Letter did not disappoint. In fact, months later I am still referring to it as a compass with which to anchor my purpose and navigation to realize my purpose. That she offered a follow up one on one session both after my soul letter and months later availed me of more of her wisdom in person. A wise and prudent investment on my part! Work with Amy, she is a gift with such clarity and caring. She is a stand for your transformation, joy and happiness.” Teresa W. (Seattle, WA)
“Moved with the Abundance of Love and Support”
“I have much gratitude for Amy and the Soul Letter she provided for me. At a time in my life where I am excited for the change ahead of me, I also have a lot of questions as to where my direction should be focused. While reading my Soul Letter, I was moved with the abundance of love and support that filled the letter. It also held information I was searching for. The words touched on areas of my life that were important to me in the past as well as things I need to re-connect with in the present. With my Soul Letter as a tool, I am able to narrow down where my focus will best be directed. Not just my higher good, but towards the higher good for the Oneness that connects us all. I recommend Amy’s gift and ability to relay messages for anyone that is looking for a major decision and direction or just to feel loved and supported. I feel my Soul Letter is relevant for me today and will be something I turn to in the future and beyond.” Kelly O. (Calgary, Canada)
“Essential to Navigate Life”
“Amy Lovelynn has the rare ability to channel from Source. Her Soul Letters are essential to navigate life when you are unsure of the next step on the path. Amy writes with such beauty and grace, I find myself re-reading her words when I am in need of comfort and inspiration. The guidance she shares is not only accurate, it is wise and filled with loving compassion. If you are confused about life’s challenges, I would thoroughly recommend a session with Amy. When you need encouragement and clarity, let Amy’s guidance inspire you. I can not think of a more beautiful and profound gift to yourself.” Joanna B. (London, UK)
“Enlightening and Deep Guidance”
“Amy’s Soul Letter’s are of Divine origin! I’ve been in spiritual healing work for over 20 years and I’ve talked to angels on a daily basis. When I read my message from God transmitted to Amy and shared via Amy’s Soul Letter, I knew instantly this message came from the Source. The nature of the information was a knowledge which nobody could know or comprehend, composed of deeper laws and mechanics connected to my own personal journey. It took me multiple readings to grasp the depth and intricacies embedded in the message. The wording and terminology is so complex and comprehensive that I can say safely that it is on the edge of English language’s capabilities to bring the message forth and at the same time not lose the content or the context intended to be communicated. In my opinion a different, much older language, for instance Sanskrit, is a suitable comparison for the medium that would carry typically such advanced level of information. I do not know who in Heaven crafted the letter for me and gave it to Amy, but it was undoubtedly a Being close to God! Thank you, Amy, for the enlightening and deep guidance, it has really helped me to know myself better by bringing another piece of the puzzle about who I am deeper into my awareness.” Vladimir T. (Santa Fe, NM)
“Amy is a true channel to the divine. Her soul letter gave me goosebumps and I felt a profound feeling of peace. The energy behind her letter felt ancient and wise and very loving. The knowledge within gave me a clear direction to my life that I had been missing. Thank you Amy for your divine inspiration.” Denise P. (Mississauga, Canada)
“Amy is so spot-on with her soul letter. I’ve not mentioned anything about my path to her, neither is my path anything like what 99% of people in the world can ever imagine. But Amy’s soul letter covered exactly what I was and my path so accurately that it’s beyond fascinating, I have no words. She is just amazing and clearly channeling absolute truth from absolute light and working with her highest guides and angels for the highest good of all! I’m so grateful for her soul letter and it really gave me a clarity that I am indeed on the right path and I am recognized and supported for the light I am here to shine on the world. Highly recommending this letter is an understatement, it is so accurate you wouldn’t believe it! Some info may not be understood at once but when you experience things and you go back to it; it’ll make complete sense. In fact, I’m probably gonna get another soul letter sooner or later! Much love!!!” Varman A. (Singapore)
“Gift of insight from the Soul.”
“Thank you so much Amy for this gift of insight from the Soul. It truly has helped confirm and acknowledge so many feelings, thoughts, ways and directions that I have taken in my life up to this point. After reading this, I’ve noticed so much peace of mind and joy that I am on the right path of work. Even more, this message highlighted some amazing possibilities that I wasn’t seeing yet, at just the right time when I was searching for those next steps. I am feeling more energized and excited that I am engaging in life activities that truly resonate with my Soul’s desires and making a positive contribution. This definitely helps me continue creating a life I love for myself and the world around me. Thank you again for sharing just what I was needing to hear, it is awesome!” Susan F. (Liberty Lake, WA)
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