We are birthed into a search for God. The I AM of all that is.
I look at the world and I say, where is God? I look at my brothers and my sisters and I wonder, where is God? I look at myself and I question, where is God?
I AM here standing inside of you, each and every day. I AM here walking beside you, each and every day. I AM one with creation. I AM one with love. I AM one with peace. I AM one with charity.
However else you choose to perceive God, is up to you. However else you choose to determine your beliefs, your judgments, your opinions, your duality, your inclusion or exclusion, your caring or your indifference, your satisfaction or your frustration, your joy or in your sadness, is up to you.
How do you choose to express God? How do you choose to express the life you have been given?
All are equal partners. All are equal lives. All are equal colors. All are equal minds. All are equal. ALL ARE EQUAL. God has not chosen to differentiate between children. God has not chosen to create animosity amongst you. God has not chosen to see you in pain and suffering. God has not chosen to see you blind to the truth of your existence.
You have chosen for God. You have chosen through your own free will.
You have chosen to play the character you are. You have chosen how you want to show up to the world.
You have chosen your actions. You have chosen your responses.
You have chosen your choices, not God, for it is up to you to determine the truth of who you are. It is up to you to determine how that truth honors you.
It is up to you to determine what is the best course of action in addressing your brothers and your sisters. It is up to you to determine what is the best course of action to care for the resources God has given you. It is up to you to choose how you will address the issues that face your communities. It is up to you to act in accordance to the truth of who you are.
If you choose to leave the eternal source, the eternal God, the eternal one love, the eternal life, if you choose to leave the eternal wisdom that exists out of your collective discussions, out of your creations, out of your expressions, you have made a poor choice. It is not up to God to solve the problems of the world. It is up to you and it begins within.
The first step is to pause, to breathe, to reflect, to remember, I am of God.
I am a peaceful God. I am a loving God. I am a resourceful God. I am a prosperous God. This is the first choice for yourself. If this is not the foundation from which you act, you’ve seen the consequences.
If you choose to go it alone, it’s a lonely walk. If you choose to destruct, it’s a destructive life. If you choose to scream, no one can clearly hear you. If you choose to kill, you have killed yourself. If you choose to harm, you have harmed yourself. If you choose to burn, you have burned yourself. If you choose to throw rocks, you have thrown rocks at yourself.
There IS an easy solution to this equation. There IS an easy process that can eliminate so much turmoil. There IS an easy process available to ALL.
Choose wisely.
Choose wisely in the foundation, of the knowingness, of the trust that exists when one has the communion within to their source of origin.
Choose wisely for those who do not have the capacity to choose for themselves, for they are blind to the remembrance that they too are God.
Choose wisely to not take advantage of those who are unable to see their own prosperity.
Choose wisely for those who are a reflection of the self.
Choose wisely. This is God’s message for each and every person to hear.
Choose wisely.
You have the breath of life coursing through your body, each and every day. Yet so many people live a life of death and then are enraged when they see someone else die, for they know deep inside they have never truly lived.
Take a deep breath, return to the source within yourself. Take a deep breath, return to the love that is available within. Return to the home that is your truth. Return to the home that is your ability to plan for a much better future.
The choice we each individually make today reflects our collective tomorrow. Anything that is chosen without a foundation of love, charity and peace is a free will choice that is less than who you are.
People forget on the joyous days they are God. We only remember to change in the face of destruction and when we do not like what we see. There have been many days and opportunities to choose different.
I urge you to pause and reflect on the choices you make. I urge you to pause and reflect, are the words coming out of your mouth reflective of the life you wish to live? For the words you choose have power. The words you choose create your reality.
Why are you not chanting, I am God! I love myself! I am God! I love my brothers and my sisters! I am God! I love life! I am God! I love my community! I am God! I love my choices!
Charity begins within. Peace begins within. Love begins within.
You create a new world every loving, peaceful, charitable choice at a time.
I AM not stating it is a free-for-all for those who feel pain. I AM not stating it is a free-for-all for those who feel wronged. I AM not stating it is a free-for-all for those who have chosen poorly.
I AM stating you have a choice. Right or wrong, good or bad, indifferent or caring. It’s your choice.
Choose in accordance to what honors yourself and your brothers and your sisters. Not part of your brothers and your sisters, but ALL of your brothers and sisters. These are the choices that will get you personally and collectively to where you want to be.
Walk forth and know you are God. You are love. You are charity. You are peace. All begins anew with you.
Choose that which you are. Be that which you are, A REFLECTION OF GOD.
Shared in solidarity with my brothers and my sisters,
Amy Lovelynn